2024 Bioimaging (Stephens)

Submitted by kdorfman on Mon, 08/12/2024 - 22:37

HeLas for teaching microscopy


day date prep
Tu 9/3 12 coverslips: HeLa (microtubules, actin, DAPI)
Th 9/5 (Transmitted light and alignment)
Tu 9/10 (Cameras, SNR, calibration)
Th 9/12 (NA and resolution) beads
Tu 9/19 (Fluorescence)
Th 9/24 photobleaching (need new slides?)
Tu 9/26 IF: need fixed coverslips, 10, 20 Ab
Tu 10/1 Live cell imaging and cell culture
Th 10/3 Plasmid prep and cell culture
Tu 10/8 Transfection (Kate?) imaging
Th 10/10 midterm
Tu 10/15 NO CLASS (Monday schedule)
Th 10/17 Begin CURE
Tu 10/22
Th 10/24
Tu 10/29
Th 10/31
Tu 11/5 NO CLASS (Election Day)
Th 11/7
Tu 11/12
Th 11/14
Tu 11/19
Th 11/21
Tu 11/26 CURE written report due
Th 12/3 (Michael) Neurobiology
Tu 12/5 (Michael) Neurobiology
Tu 12/10 Flexible last day of class