2022 Bio Boot Camp
2022 Bio Boot Camp kdorfman Wed, 06/22/2022 - 18:20FIRST DAY
Pipetting Exercise
Weigh 20 uL, 200 uL, 1000 uL to check pipets
Enter data into pipet spreadsheet
DNA Extraction
Extract DNA from fish fin clips with HotSHOT DNA extraction prep
- 50 uL alkaline lysis reagent per rxn
- 50 uL Neutralization buffer per rxn
- Aliquot 1 mL of each per pair
Rolf brings 20 fin clips
Students work in pairs, doing 4 clips per pair.
Set up PCR reactions
Dilute primers from Rolf's lab for GFP (final 0.4 uM in mix)
- Each 25 uL reaction contains:
- 12.5 uL 2X Master mix
- enough primer to make 0.4 uM
- 5 uL DNA
- water to 25 uL
- We make 900 uL Master Mix with primers
- 3.6 uL each 100uM primer
- 450 uL 2x master mix
- 446.4 uL water (to final volume 900 uL)
- Each individual student tests all 4 of the DNA samples
- 20 uL per rxn
- aliquot 180 uL per pair
Make enough master mix for 9 reactions per pair
PCR program (finclip in Main menu):
Step | time (min) | temp | comment |
1. Initial denaturation | 2 | 94 | |
2. denaturation | 0.5 | 94 | |
3. annealing | 0.5 | 55 | ~4C below primer Tm |
4. extension/elongation | 0.5 | 72 | or one min per kb 1 |
5. go to 2 | 38 times | ||
6. final extension | 5 | 72 | |
7. hold | forever | 15 | can cut short and put into fridge |
- 1 1% agarose gel per pair
- SYBR Safe 1 uL/10 mL agarose
- small gel (50 mL)
- ? small tooth comb, 2 per gel
- 1X TAE
- loading dye
- DNA standard
Use primer sequences?
Analyze Gel
- check bands in blue light
- take cell phone photo
- send to Rolf with documentation
45 sec is better for mcherry; can use 45 sec to 1 min for GFP. EGFP and mcherry amplicons are ~500 BP ↩︎
Master mix
Master mix kdorfman Mon, 06/12/2023 - 15:05Master Mix, multiple primers
Master Mix, multiple primers kdorfman Mon, 07/01/2024 - 22:10NOT SURE WHY THIS DOESN"T CALCULATE