P-Glo Bacterial media

P-Glo Bacterial media kdorfman Mon, 08/26/2019 - 22:26

Make 60 mm plates

2019 - for QBoC:

  • transformed pglo plasmid (1660405EDU) from the BioRad kit into
  • DH5 alpha E. coli (Invitrogen 18265-017) from the -80
  • Lyophilized cells (BioRad 1660408EDU) did not arrive in time

Used the Invitrogen protocol.

Plated on:

  • LB
  • LB amp
  • LB amp ara

Saw gfp colonies on the arabinose plates. Collected, grew up in LB amp, froze in 15% glycerol.


LB-Amp-Ara kdorfman Mon, 08/26/2019 - 22:27

LB with Ampicilin or Carbenicilin and arabinose

Arabinose stock 200mg/mL in water, sterilized by filtration (=100 X)

Final concentration = 2 mg/mL

  • Arabinose MW = 150.13
  • 2 mg/mL = 2 g/L x 1 mol/150.13 g = 0.013M = 13 mM

Carbenicilin stock is 1000X