
Kanamycin kdorfman Wed, 12/28/2011 - 21:01

50 mg/mL stock (50 µg/mL in medium)

Concentration in poured agar drops to ~80% in 1 week, but stays stable for 3 more weeks at 4C

1.25 g in 25 mL H2O

filter sterilize

mL aliquots


1.2 mg/mL for QSB

0.84 mL 50 mg/mL stock

34.16 mL water

filter sterilize (if any doubt about sterility)

48 0.7 mL aliquots

To make mL 1.2 mg/mL kanamycin
you'll need: g kanamycin


Kan calcs

Kan calcs kdorfman Tue, 10/02/2012 - 16:23
if Kanamycin stock is: mg/mL
to make: mL medium
with a final Kan concentration of: mg/mL
Add: mL kanamycin stock