Cnidocyte washing buffer

Cnidocyte washing buffer kdorfman Thu, 10/10/2024 - 17:54

Cnidocyte washing buffer

  • 10 mM Tris
  • 10 mM NaCl
  • 10 mM EDTA

pH 7.6

To make mL CWB
start with mL water
mix mL 1M Tris-base
and: mL 5 M NaCl
and: mL 0.5 M EDTA

Bring to pH 7.6, then final volume

Combine 400 ml of dH2O

0.6 g of Tris-HCl

0.29 g of NaCl

1.86 g of EDTA

Adjust the pH to 7.6 with 10 M NaOH.

Bring the volume to 500 ml with dH2O.

Store the buffer indefinitely at room temperature.