Nuc Blue

Nuc Blue kdorfman Thu, 07/14/2022 - 18:02

Hoechst type DNA stain for live cells

Nuc Blue protocol from Thermo Fisher

  • Culture cells in an appropriate medium and vessel for fluorescence microscopy.
  • Add two drops (20 uL = 1 drop) of NucBlue Live ReadyProbes Reagent per milliliter of medium.1
  • Incubate for 20 minutes, protected from light.
  • Image the cells.

  1. In some cases, more or fewer drops may be needed to achieve optimal staining intensity. Image quality may be improved by replacing the culture medium with Live Cell Imaging Solution (Cat. No. A14291DJ). [Kate says start with less, and work up. Rinse cells after incubation.] ↩︎